
Monday, July 2, 2012


So it's my birthday, it's 6 pm, and I had not heard from my mom. Now, as you read in my previous blog, Saturday was a rough day for me and I did very good to hold the pieces together and not fall apart. So not getting a happy birthday from my mom, the woman who made this day possible, was weighing heavily on me. She eventually called me that evening but was very short which is not like her.

So yesterday evening she calls me again. She starts the conversation off by saying, "I didn't want to tell you on your birthday because I did not want you to be upset on your birthday..."! Really, mom? Haven't we had this conversation before?

She continues on saying she was trying to help dad out with the grass cutting. She was mowing areas of the lawn with the push mower that dads riding lawn mower could not get to. She ran the mower over an empty ant bed (they just had put ant killer on it and got rid of all the ants inside) and a bunch of bees/wasps/hornets/yellow jackets (she is not sure on which exactly) flew out and attacked her. It's one thing to have a bunch of stings, it's another to be allergic to them.

Dad was at work so she put the lawn equipment back up (crazy, I know!) and headed to her doctors office. They told her she needed an iv and they could not administer it so she had to go to the hospital. They wanted her to go by ambulance but she refused and drove herself. By this time she was broke out all over and swelling. She got there and they started her on the iv. They let her go later that evening but she had to call my dads brother and his wife to come get her because my dad was not able to leave work in time. She is feeling good; tired and sore but good. I told her to hire someone to cut the grass from now on but she will never listen. The hospital prescribed her an epi pen to have in the future. I felt bad for being upset that she had not called me on my birthday but I understand why she didn't. I would rather her focus on her health than wish me a happy birthday!

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