
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday Fun Day!

Can you tell the weather has finally been nice up here? We have been doing everything we can to be outside and enjoy this beautiful spring. It is still a bit chilly but it's loads better than the temperatures we were having a month ago.

Today Doug took off work. Unfortunately his store was one of 7 in the entire company that was open. We drove down to McLean, VA to go to Great Falls state park. The drive there was a sight to see. Between the woods coming to life with springtime, the windy road, and the mansions, we could have never made it to the park and still had a great time driving around the area.

The sun was shinning and it could not have been a better day to be at the park. There are walking/biking/horse trails, picnic areas, and great overlooks of the falls on the Potomac. The pictures do not do the falls justice. They were massive! Even though the park was packed, the falls drowned out everyone. It was peaceful and definitely filled my need to be outside in the sun. I would love to go back again soon and have a picnic.

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