
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mason's 1 month checkup

Today Mason had his 1 month checkup with his pediatrician. Although he is over 6 weeks old, we are just now doing the 1month visit. His NICU stay delayed his pediatrician appointments so they are using his first visit after he was released as the starting point. It's a bit confusing but I just do what they say. As long as he is good and they are keeping up with it all I am good.

Mason was nice and asleep before the appointment. Unfortunately, I had to wake him up to change his diaper, wash his face, and put him in the car seat. The crying started around 11, continued as a ran errands and drove to the doctors office in Annapolis (appointment at 12:30), turned into screaming at the office (he hates being naked, which is required, and everything else they have to do at the appointment), and didn't stop until I fed him at the office at 1:15. It was a long afternoon. I felt like every time I got him calmed down they would come in and piss him off again. Ha! He did really good for his shot. Cried for about a few seconds then he was good. It also helped I had the bottle ready to shove in his mouth right after. :)

For his weight, we broke 9 lbs. unfortunately, the doctor was not quite satisfied in the weight gain from the last appointment to this one. So we are increasing the formula to 4 to 4 1/2 ounces. We will go back in two weeks for another weight checkup. She said he looked really good and very healthy, he just needs to gain more weight. When you think about it, he has gained 1 pound since his birth 6 weeks ago. That is not a lot. But he has had the odds against him with the NICU stay and then the formula issue.

For "snip snip" checkup, the doctor thought he was a bit more swollen than what they typically see a week after the procedure. We got a prescription ointment to put on it to help it heal better. He also has a little raw, broken skin under his scrotum that has been bleeding a bit. It's just from diaper rash that has not been able to heal and keeps being irritated from all the wiping of his stinky butt. The ointment can also be used on it to help that heal. We will also have a checkup on both of these parts when we go back in two weeks.

Unfortunately, we got a referral to a pediatric cardiologist. When he was born, the nurses mentioned hearing a bit of a heart murmur but it wasn't thought much of with his other, more life threatening condition. So when the doctor listened to him today, she heard it. I am not sure if his crying and screaming made it more noticeable or what. Since he had a heart/lung issue at birth she thought it would be best to have the cardiologist check him out and listen for the murmur. They don't think the PPHN will cause any problems and he already had an echocardiogram in the NICU that came out good. So hopefully this is only "just to be sure" and they don't find anything. The appointment is next Friday so we will know shortly.

Other than that, he is doing really well. He is a happy, healthy boy. Unless he is pissed off... Then no one is happy. :)

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