
Sunday, August 30, 2015

To the crib!

Well, Mason has just about outgrown his bassinet. So we are starting the transition to the crib. He seems to like it but it is an adjustment so he wakes up a lot. Truthfully it's probably harder on mommy than him. HE IS ON A DIFFERENT FLOOR! Omg it's like he is off to college! I can't see him or hear him unless I look at the monitor. I can't reach over and touch him. I am half convinced he will die if he doesn't sleep in our bedroom. Oh this is so hard! Sleeping on the belly freaked me out, now this. What was I thinking! So much for getting any sleep this week...

 Kinda hard to see from this angle but he is the length of the bassinet and when he rolls he is right up against the side.

So much more room to roll around and stretch out.

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