
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Trick or Treat

Boy does having a kid change your life! Doug and I do not celebrate Halloween. We don't dress up, we don't go out, and we turn all the lights in the house off so kids will think we are not home. Now we have bought a costume (only for Mason, still not going that far yet), made plans to take him to a few houses around the neighborhood, AND bought candy to hand out. I really hope he has fun. I am already exhausted from just thinking about it. I know he won't have a clue on what we are doing so I only plan on going out for a few just to say we did it. Part of the reason I bought candy was for us to eat and the other is to hand out if anyone does come by after our short trip out. Stay tuned for pictures and videos of Mason's first trick or treating adventure.

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