
Friday, April 1, 2016

And I can take you for a ride on my big red wagon...

With the weather warming up, we have spending a lot more time outside. Last weekend it was still a bit chilly thanks to the wind but it was beautiful outside so I had to take the opportunity to get out of the house. I bundled Mason up and brought out his red wagon Aunt Sandra got him for Christmas. Mason already loved playing in it so I was unsure if he would understand he had to sit and could not stand as we rolled around. To my surprise, he did great! Once he was buckled in he sat contently and enjoyed the ride. He loves to go fast and have the wind in his face so I got my workout in. Ha! He loved smiling at all the neighbors out enjoying the day. He is such a ham! After our stroll we went to the playground in our neighborhood and swung for awhile. I did not get any pictures of him swinging this time but I will try to next time. I did get plenty of red wagon pictures though. :)

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