
Monday, September 5, 2011

2 year anniversary

It's our 2 year anniversary...
Yeah that is about all I have. We are so tired! We did nothing but run errands all day. Well, we hung curtains this morning then ran errands. No real "gift", no card, not even a nice dinner out (I did BBQ pork chops in the crock pot (plus we have been eating out for 2 weeks straight)). This anniversary was shadowed by being exhausted with so much that needs to be done. I didn't even want to blog but I made myself. We keep saying we are going to have a chill day or evening but it has yet to happen. Either something technical is needing to be fixed (computer, DVR, internet, printer, etc) or I am trying to get one more box unpacked. We have a lot on hold because we have not bought what we need (like shelving or storage) or it's not high on the "to do" list. It is frustrating our OCD butts!
So, happy anniversary babe! Love ya! Good night!

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