
Sunday, August 30, 2015

I got this!

Mason is taking the "I can do it " attitude when it comes to his bottle. He hasn't quite got the handle of it but he is learning. He knows how to pull it towards and away from him. The holding it steady and keeping it in his mouth still needs some work. Oh and the whole holding the bottle the entire time thing. He thinks it will magically stay upright, in his mouth when he let's go. I keep my hands away as much as possible so he realizes when he let's go the bottle will fall. Seeing this new independence makes me feel proud, happy, and sad all at the same time. Sad because my little boy is growing up and no longer depends on us for everything. Happy because it is one less thing we have to stop and do. The thought of sitting him up, handing him a bottle, and walking off makes me smile. We are not going to know what to do with all our free time!

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