
Saturday, August 15, 2015


Mason is starting to bend and straighten his knees and he is a huge fan of the bouncing. So I have been researching bouncy/jumping chairs for him. They have one at daycare and all the babies love it. He will watch the babies in it all day. So I figured I would get one similar to that. I know he is still a little little for it but for some reason I have been super excited to get him this toy.

My work has a website that is similar to Craigslist but is just for employees. So one day last week when I actually had a spare second I checked out the baby section. Surprisingly, there was a Jumparoo listed that I had looked at getting for Mason. I emailed the owner and it was still available so we set up a time to meet. The best part, the chair retails for over $100 and I got it for $40! It is in great condition and the lady even provided us with some batteries!

I think Mason is a fan! His toes didn't reach the floor but he sat up in it and had a great time. I can't wait for him to get bigger so he can start bouncing himself.

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