
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Big boy food

Last week the doctor gave us the go ahead to start some finger foods. So today I went to the store and bought a variety of snacks and food. When we got home I sat him in his chair and put a few pieces on his tray. Poor kid had no idea on what to do. He played with them more than he did anything. This will definitely take some time. He not only has to figure out to put the pieces in his mouth and chew but he has got to get use to the new taste. Today we got a few pieces down but it was mostly playing and gagging. I think it was the new taste that bothered him the most. I decided to switch to a bottle after he threw up from gagging. I figured it was going to happen so I was prepared. I knew I had to keep trying to get him to eat so he would learn but I didn't want to force it on him and make him have a horrible first experience. Thankfully it didn't phase him and he went on like nothing had happened.

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