
Friday, April 10, 2015

39 weeks!

Yesterday was the 39 week appointment. We had another non-stress test done. This week's motivation, smoothie! Mason reacted very well to that and did what the doctors needed him to do. They were very pleased with what they saw. My blood pressure was very good. I had been keeping an eye on it throughout the week and it stayed below 140 over 90 all week. With the good news the doctor said we could hold off inducing another week. I am still not dilated but I don't think that will matter. I have another appointment on Tuesday but they don't plan on letting me go past the due date before inducing me.  They don't want to chance any blood pressure issues. So whether he or we are ready or not, he will be here in about a week.  Let's just cross our fingers he continues to stay put so mom will make it up here in time.

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