
Saturday, April 25, 2015


Auburn was happy to have a visitor.

Friday - Geared up and ready for the main event. Little did I know we were still going to be there waiting two days later.

Happy parents!

Saturday - Exhausted and ready to officially be a Mommy

Doug sleeping on the floor so Mom could sleep on the couch. 

Finally! Mason made his arrival!

Can't get this face and those beautiful eyes out of my head.

Daddy holding his son for the first time. 

Beautiful baby boy!

Sunday night - first trip to the NICU

Monday - out of the NICU and milk drunk

The first and only outfit he has worn

Mason LOVES to be swaddled. The tighter the better. Unfortunately, Mommy and Daddy have not mastered the art of swaddling yet. 

Cards and gifts for Mason's Birthday

My box of choclates from Doug

Grandma holding her grandson for the first time. 

Happy boy with a full belly.

Tuesday - 2nd trip to the NICU. Now with the oxygen hood over him.

Hard to see his face due to the moisture from the humidity the oxygen gave.

Loving as much as I could on my baby.

Wednesday - After they intubated him. He has on his cool sunglasses for when they did the light treatment for jaundice.

Loaded up in the medevac carrier, ready to head to DC

The medevac crew, Mason, and all the equipment. 

Flying over us on his way to DC

Mason's new home at Children's hospital

 On his new Nitric Oxide treatment and getting his light treatment for jaundice

Today - fighting hard to come home with Mommy and Daddy

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