
Friday, April 10, 2015

Last day at work

Today was my last day at work. To say I was not ready is an understatement. It was a crazy week and today got even wackier! I left so much undone I considered going in next week. I hated leaving all this stuff to do with my coworker. She was really nice about it but I think I was starting to reach my limit. I left many ways for them to get in touch with me if needed. I know they won't bug me but it made me feel better. The 9 months just flew by and caught me off guard. I could have worked another month and still would have not been ready to leave. 

Getting all the "admin" stuff done really made the whole maternity leave thing sink in. I had to submit 5 timesheets for my time off. I have never taken more than 5 days off in a row. Being off for more than 6 weeks is just crazy! I know Mason will keep me busy but it's going to be hard not going to work for that long. It's going to be so weird when I go back. I already have anxiety over the emails! 

So everyone please say a prayer for my coworkers (especially Diana)! Lets pray I didn't forget to show them how to do something, tell them about something that needed to be followed up on, or forgot to do something before I left. And that their workload is minimal and easy while I am gone. Pray for no stress, lots of help, and no explosions or wacky days. Well... Maybe not too easy breezy. I need some job security so too easy would make me less missed. I still need to be valued. Ha! :)

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