
Friday, April 10, 2015

So much to do and so little time to do it in

So Sunday I had a minor freak out. I started thinking of all the things I wanted to do before Mason made his grand arrival. The list was long. So I went into "get'er done" mode. Doug said I had a wild look in my eyes. I made my list and started working. I couldn't even tell you all the stuff I did but I do remember attempting to scrub the moving marks off the walls. Thankfully Doug was right behind me, helping out where he could. I washed Mason's clothes and bottles, hung up his clothes, hung wall decor, put stuff together, and got Mason's room organized. It was a long day but very productive

Monday we did the yard work. We got up all the leaves, weeded, put down some mulch, and trimmed some bushes. It felt good to do some physical labor but I was tired afterwards. After the doctor appointment on Thursday we went and got some more mulch and flowers. Doug got all that put out Friday while I was at work. That was a huge check off the list. 

One thing I am doing this weekend is the touch up painting. The wall scrubbing did not work very well. It kinda got the marks off but it left wet looking marks. The landlord finally brought over the right color Paint so I could get the job done. I have been dying to get it done so I am super excited to get the paint brush in my hands. 

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