
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas 2014

This year was low key but I think we deserve one last quite Christmas. After this year, they will never be the same. Baby boy will keep us busy and full of joy from now on.

Santa came and filled everyone's stockings with goodies. Baby boy got lots of gifts from Santa and Mommy & Daddy.

Auburn could hardly wait to open her gifts. She was so excited! Two things we will have to work on are not every present is for her (she had to help everyone open their gifts and tried to steal them) and not every toy is hers (I foresee many fights over toys between her and baby boy).

Doug and I got lots of great gifts. Doug got me a new North Face jacket with matching gloves and ear/head band thing, some wall decor, and my favorite... Wall-e (Auburn is not a fan. She runs when I play with it. Ha!)! I got Doug some batman slippers, a baby book, and a few other little things.

The aftermath!

Friday Ryan and Shannon came over to exchange gifts. They spoiled baby boy with lots of cute outfits and his first Auburn football. Auburn got a new toy and Doug got a robe (he has yet to take it off while at the house).

All in all we had a great, quite Christmas. We missed our family and friends back home and we look forward to spending Christmas with you next year. We hope you had a great Christmas and Santa was good to you.

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