
Saturday, January 10, 2015

And he will be called...

Mason Douglas Nunley

This was the first name I thought of and we both liked. I kept looking, just to see if we liked anything else more but Doug turned down all of those. We also wanted to honor our family by including them in the name in some way. That was the hard part. Coming up with a name that included everyone we wanted was impossible. But then, laying in bed one night, it clicked. The name we already both liked did include everyone. Some are a little forced but they are all there!

M - Memaw (my Dads mom) and Martha (my aunt)
A - Alta (Doug's dads mom)
S - Sylvia (my moms mom)
O - Pops (my dads dad)
N - Nathan (my dad) and Nancy (Doug's mom)

D - Deborah (my mom)
O - October (my mom and dads anniversary)
U - August (Doug's mom and dad anniversary)
G - Grandaddy (my moms dad)
L - Lorraine ( Doug's moms mom)
A - Faye (Doug's moms dad)
S - September (our anniversary)

We hope you love the name as much as we do!

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