
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

One lonely flower

How can one lonely flower bring such a smile to my face? Easy, just be my favorite flower! It's spring time so that means the daffodils are in full bloom. And they are everywhere! Some wild, some planted. Some yellow, some white. And I have one beautiful yellow daffodil in my yard. Don't know how it got there but I am very happy to have it.

When I was little Pops and I use to go on walks through the woods. We would grab our walking sticks and head out on a grand adventure. Sometimes there would be creeks and others there would be meadows. I don't remember what we talked about or where we went but I do remember having so much fun! Every time we went we would always pick some flowers for Memaw and bring them back to her. During the spring it was always a bouquet of daffodils. I don't know if they were her favorite but she always acted like they were.

Every time I see a daffodil I see her smile. I remember the walks in the woods, the peaceful time we spent there, and the joy of bringing my most favorite person in the world a "special find" from our journey. What I wouldn't give to relive some of those days! But I guess I will settle for enjoying the site of a lonely flower and the memories it brings me.

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