
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Mind blown!

I signed up Doug and I for a newborn class at the hospital hoping to learn a few things about how to take care of Mason. I was also hoping to leave the class with more confidence and less anxiety. Boy was I wrong! I realize now more than ever I have no clue on what to do. Everything I though you should do, I was told not to do. Even a lot of stuff I thought we needed I was told not to get. Then there is the list of things we need to get that I had no clue we even needed. Oh my goodness my head is spinning!

Here are some examples...
We need Vaseline and gauze pads for little man when he gets circumcised.
Alcohol wipes for the umbilical cord.
Can't tub bathe until cord has completely fallen off.
Sleep on back only!
Baby room needs to be between 68-72 degrees.
We need Benadryl and Pedialyte on hand at all times.
Ambesol and Orajel are no no's.
Bottle warmers and sterilizers, sippy cups, walkers, frozen teethers, playstations, and so much more are out!
Milk is served at room temperature, dishwasher is your sterilizer, cups with straws after bottle, cold teethers, and rice cereal fed via spoon.
Maryland has outlawed crib bumpers.
No water to drink until 1 yr old.

The list goes on and on! I tried to take notes but I really feel like I should take the class again. And take more of them! Now more than ever I feel like I need all the help I can get. I will be doing tons of reading and research over the next few weeks.

I did kinda learn how to swaddle (we are far from experts) and hold baby in the "football" position. Diapering, bathing, and clothing a live baby versus a doll is two very different things. In class, it was easy! Screaming, wiggling baby not so much.

So wish us luck and say lots of prayers for our anxiety. Hopefully we will become more educated, more confident, and less likely to have child protective services called on us! :)

Me and my "Buddha" baby

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