
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 35 appointment

Last Wednesday I had my 35 week appointment. The doctor said everything looks good with me and baby and we are still on track for an April 16th delivery estimate. Mason is dropping low (which is making things really uncomfortable for me) and his head is down towards the "exit". He is pushing his limits and trying to manually stretch my belly to give himself more room. He has also found a "toy" on my left side. He likes to punch it, kick it, and what I think is squeeze the hell out of it.

I go tomorrow for my first internal exam and then the next three appointments I have to go to the office at the hospital both the exam and for the Non Stress Test. The NST is being done since I have a history of high blood pressure. Even though it has been really good throughout the entire pregnancy, they are performing the test just to make sure everything is good to go. They will put a heart monitor on my belly and monitor the baby's heartbeat for 20-30 minutes (super fun for mommy!). I will take sitting still for half an hour over needles any day of the week!

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