
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sick baby

As I mentioned on Facebook, Mason got a little sick last Thursday night. It was the oddest thing. He was fine all evening, didn't have a fever, and sure wasn't acting like he didn't feel good. The only hint he gave me was his lack of appetite. He wouldn't eat dinner or any fruit. I gave him a bath, he drank his bottle before bed, and was fine when I put him down.

It wasn't 15 minutes later after he went to bed that he started crying. I did not have his video monitor pulled up so I couldn't see what was going on. Doug thought he was just being fussy and told me to let him cry it out. But my mommy intuition told me to go check.

I walked in and saw his pacifier on the floor so I figured that was why he was crying. I picked it up and went to give it to him, then I saw it.... everywhere! I called for Doug and told him to get the bed and I would get the kid.

After everything was cleaned and new sheets/clothes were in place, I layed my sleepy boy back down and went back into the living room. This time we pulled up the camera. A few minutes later, I heard an unusual yack/cough/yuck sound and then crying. So we went back in for cleanup round 2.

This time, I decided to keep him up so we didn't have to change the sheets again. I brought him into the living room with me and got him some water to hydrate. He started playing and running around like nothing was wrong.

Let's take a moment to note it is now going on 10 pm and we are on our 2nd load of throw up laundry...

Well, you guessed it. A few minutes later yack #3 happened. All over him, his clean clothes, and the carpet. At this point his bath was pointless. For some reason, toddler puke has the most wretched smell and it sticks to anything it touches. His room smelled god awful and now so did Mason and the living room carpet. So I got a rag and some soap and did a quick head to toe wipe down. And I opted for diaper only until we were done.

After Doug was finished cleaning the carpet, we went back into the living room. He threw up one more time but I was close by and able to catch it on a towel. (Laundry load #3) He finally got tired from his little puking rally around 10:30 and snuggled on the couch with me. He was so sweet. He fell asleep curled up next to me.

Thankfully he slept through the night and didn't ever get a fever. He went to daycare on Friday and was fine except for a very small appetite. Today was the first day he ate close to normal. I am guessing he ate something that didn't agree with him but I have no clue on what since he ate his typical stuff that day. I am sure the allergist will love to hear of this.

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