
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Go for a swim?

We put on our SPF 50 and headed to the pool today. Mason has been quite whiny and fussy for the past few days because he is getting 4 new molars all the way around. I was hoping the pool would bring a little fun and help him forget about his sore mouth. He was sooo excited to go so I figured we would have to watch him carefully to make sure he didn't run and jump in by himself. Boy was I wrong...

He did not appreciate the cold water... Doug forced him in the water then dunked him. He came up SCREAMING! We tried putting him into a float and he wasn't haveing that either. I wish I had gotten a picture of him screaming his head off in the pool. All I got was poutie face after his fit. He would not come close to the pool the rest of the time we were there. I think he has a good time running around the pool, so not a total loss...

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